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Home Page Our Services Digital Technology NVDA Screen Reading Software (Official Version) and HKBU add-on 2023.02 (Only support NVDA 2023.1)

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NVDA Screen Reading Software (Official Version) and HKBU add-on 2023.02 (Only support NVDA 2023.1)


NVDA is an open source screen-reading software. In order to accommodate the need of Chinese users, the Hong Kong Blind Union has developed the NVDA add-on which added several new features to the official NVDA which includes:

  • A Chinese speech engine
  • Reading Chinese and English with two separate speech engine
  • Support MathCast equation editor
  • Enhanced support for Windows 10 or above

Step1: NVDA (official Version) download guideline (Chinese Version only)

Step2:HKBU add-on download guideline (Chinese Version only)

Brltty braille display driver

NVDA teaching video (Chinese Version only)

Users need to download and install the NVDA (official version) from this link, then fill in the below form to download the HKBU add-on 2023.02 At last, users can install the HKBU add-on 2023.02 to NVDA official version to activate this add-on.

Download HKBU Add-on 2023.02 Version

Please provide us with your contact information, so that we can send emails on the latest news about HKBU Add-on 2023.02 to you on a regular basis.

Software Usage Agreement:

Thank you for using HKBU add-on 2023.02 (hereafter referred as the software)
The software is developed by the Hong Kong Blind Union.  The software copyright is wholly owned by the Union and by downloading, installing and/or using the software, you agree to observe the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you are not licensed to install the Application.

The software is only free to use by members of the Union and registered service users of the Jockey Club E-Learning For All Project.
For organization users and individual users outside the category at point (1), prior to installing the software, please wait until you have received the receipt issued by the Union after the payment. All information collected will be for record-keeping use only.
Each license can be only installed and used on one physical or virtual computer.
No duplication and/or distribution of the software to other parties is allowed unless permission has been obtained from the Union.  
For any enquiries on the software, please email


please click here for the details (Chinese Version Only)


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