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Home Page Our Services Other support service

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Other support service

Community Support Service for VIPs and Their Families

This is part of the programme of "Community Support Service for VIPs and Their Families". The programme is funded by the Social Welfare Department, and is to run since 2015. For details, please refer to the programme pamphlet (Chinese version only) (Image / Text)

Life environment adaptation programme


Visually impaired persons have to overcome many obstacles brought about by visual impairment, and at the same time they may come across many changes in their daily lives, for example, housing estates redevelopment, flat transfers or changes in the situation of their family members. Appropriate support services are exceptionally important in helping them get used to these changes and integrate into the community.

Service target

Visually impaired persons may need to make adjustments or learn from the start for reasons such as home moving, employment changes, family changes, or getting new mobile phones.

The applicant must be a Hong  Kong Identity Card holder and living in Hong Kong.

Scope of service

  • Orientation & Mobility Training
  • community orientation
  • learning mobile phone skills
  • instructors reach out to provide services

Escort service


Provide escort service for visually impaired persons who lack community support to handle temporary personal needs so to sustain their independent living in the community.

Service target

The applicant must be a Hong  Kong Identity Card holder and living in Hong Kong.

Priorities are given to the following applicants:

  • persons with newly diagnosed visual impairment
  • visually impaired persons who lack support network (e.g. living alone or family members are also visually impaired)
  • visually impaired persons who are waiting for or not receiving Integrated Home Care Service
  • The applicant must be a Hong  Kong Identity Card holder and living in Hong Kong

Scope of service

  • escort to attend medical appointments
  • accompany for handling personal business and shopping
  • Home care support service
  • other community support service

Service charge  

  • Please contact us for more details.

How to apply

  • please make application by calling 27600100
  • complete the application form (Chinese version only) and fax it to 27621635; or email it to; or mail it to our Service Center; or
  • referrals by agencies


Carers Support Service



  • To enhance harmony between visually impaired persons and their carers in order to build up healthy relationship among them through provision of comprehensive support services.
  • To ease carers’ stress by providing different kinds of services such as counselling,  groups, social and recreational activities.


Service target

  • carers of visually impaired persons (including family members, relatives or friends)


Scope of service

  • counselling;
  • home visits;
  • referrals to community services;
  • therapeutic or interest groups;
  • health seminars;
  • recreational activities.


Service fee

  • subsidized services by Social Welfare Department
  • free of charge


How to apply

  • please make application by calling 27600100
  • complete the application form (Chinese version only) and fax it to 27621635; or email it to; or mail it to our Service Center (Address: Unit 621-624, Kar Man House, Oi Man Tin, Kowloon, Hong Kong); or
  • referrals by agencies