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Home Page Our Services Sports and Arts Development Services Jockey Club Sports Programmes with Audio-description Service

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Jockey Club Sports Programmes with Audio-description Service

Audio-description Service (For Sports Events)

Hong Kong Blind Union launched “Jockey Club Sports Programmes with Audio-description Service”in 2020, funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust .  This programme aims to provide visually impaired persons (VIPs) with professional audio-description services so that they can enjoy watching sports events with their sighted peers.



  1. To provide on-the-spot or online audio-description services for various sports events
  2. To provide audio-description services for sports events on an online platform and to produce sport-related informative programmes
  3. To develop professional guidelines for audio-description services for sports events, and to train professional local sports audio-descriptors as well as to offer consultation services for local sports programmes and facilities
  4. To raise public awareness on the rights of VIPs to enjoy watching sports events and other forms of entertainments, promoting the message of inclusion.


Support Us

We are sincerely inviting sports federations, event organizers and sports brands to support us in promoting the participation of VIPs in sport.

  •    To include the audio-description services by our programme in the sports events organized
  •    To jointly arrange various types of sports experience activities for VIPs
  •    To provide sport-related information as content of the Internet radio of this programme

Becoming volunteers of “Sports Programmes with Audio-description Service”

You are most welcome to register as a volunteer to assist VIPs to participate in sports activities or to become audio-descriptors.



Contact Us

Tel︰3615 1045

Fax︰3996 0759



Address︰Room 1204 12/F Houtex Industrial Building, 16 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon


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