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About Guide Dog

What are guide dogs and what are their functions?

A guide dog is a mobility option for a person who is blind or visually impaired. Guide dogs are bred specifically for excellent health and temperamental characteristics and are typically Labrador Retrievers or cross breeds with Golden Retrievers. Guide dogs offer safe travel, mobility and greater independence for their users. They also provide companionship for their blind and visually impaired handlers.

According to Hong Kong Law, Guide Dogs are allowed access everywhere the public is allowed, including restaurants, supermarkets and on public transports. **CAP 487 Disability Discrimination Ordinance.


How do guide dogs guide their users?

A guide dog is not a GPS which can take you to your destination when you tell him the address. A guide dog can find its way with instructions. The user should know the way and command the dog to go straight, turn right or turn left. The dog’s job is to lead his user away from obstacles, prevent him from falling and alert him to any unusual situations on the road. Thus a guide dog user must have good and stable orientation skills.


What is "3 Don'ts 1 Do"?

When you meet a guide dog on the road, we should pay attention to 4 issues. Let's remember them by using the phrase:

3 Don'ts and 1 Do

1. Don't reject: please accept that guide dogs can have free access to public places, private or public estates and public transportation.

2. Don't disturb: please do not annoy or touch a working guide dog without the consent of the user.

3. Don't feed: never feed or coax a guide dog with human food.

4. Do enquire: whenever you find a visually impaired pedestrian lingering or hesitating, please enquire if he needs your help. In addition, if you would like to touch the guide dog, please ask for the user's consent first.