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Introduction to Braille

We all acknowledge that the development of writing is the accumulation of civilization and intelligence of mankind, and Braille is a system of writing for people with visual impairment. Ever since the invention of the Braille system by Louis Braille of France, more than one hundred years have gone by. There are now more than 100 different Braille codes covering various languages and playing the important functions in communication, knowledge dissemination and expression of feelings.

Playing an important role in education, Braille has both a symbolic meaning and practical value. With regard to its symbolic meaning, the teaching and application of Braille are indicative of the recognition by society of the educational needs of people with visual impairment. Consequently, means to disseminate knowledge congruent with the needs of people with visual impairment have been adopted. By learning Braille or by transcribing Braille, the sighted and people with visual impairment maintain links, contact and communication. Being the principal medium of learning for people with visual impairment, Braille makes it possible for them to read textbooks, prepare assignments and notes, write essays, or even consult reference books. In addition to Braille books, people with visual impairment equipped with a Braille display fitted with the necessary software may also do reading on the computer and perform other tasks such as word-processing, surfing the Internet, and even making communication. These have considerably enlarged the scope for knowledge acquisition. In day-to-day life, the floor buttons of elevators, shampoo bottles, and even the lids of beverages all bear Braille dots. Its general application is growing with the progress of the society.


Reference: "Blindness Literacy Publications & Education Needs of the Blind” by Mr CHONG Chan Yau

English Alphabet, Numbers & Braille Translation Table