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Home Page Our Services Digital Technology EasyDots Chinese Input Method (macOS version)

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EasyDots Chinese Input Method (macOS version)

EasyDots is a Cantonese Braille input method developed by the Hong Kong Blind Union. EasyDots helps people with visually impairment overcome digital divide by allowing them to input Chinese text accurately and efficiently with a computer. EasyDots is easy-to-learn and can support from macOS Mavericks (10.9) to the latest macOS Catalina (10.15).


Installation of EasyDots (macOS version) (Chinese version only)

Operating Guide of EasyDots (macOS version) (Chinese version only)



Thanks to the sponsorship of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust for the development of EasyDots (macOS version).


Download EasyDot for MacOS Version

Please provide us with your contact information, so that we can send emails on the latest news about EasyDot for MacOS to you on a regular basis.

Software Usage Agreement:

Thank you for using EasyDot for MacOS (hereafter referred as the software).

The software is developed by the Hong Kong Blind Union. The software copyright is wholly owned by the union and By downloading, installing and/or using the software, you agree to observe the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you are not licensed to install the Application.

  1. The software is free to use by any individual and organization.
  2. For organization users, please contact Hong Kong Blind Union in order to get the approval notice email before downloading the software. All information collected will be for record keeping use only.
  3. No duplication and/or distribution of the software to other party is allowed unless permission has been obtained from the Union.
  4. For any enquiries on the software, please email to



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