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Activity Review and Letter Sharing of Jockey Club Vocational and Education Resources Centre Open Day - Memory Store

Activity review

Jockey Club Vocational and Educational Resources Centre Open Day - Memory Store was held on the 3rd and 4th December 2022 as one of the key activities to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Centre. There were guests, users, as well as the public coming together to witness the development of the centre in the past 50 years. It was hilarious that we had more than 500 participants in total. The highlights include the display of photos, memorable items and letters from our users, demonstrating the 50-years development of the centre. Besides, there were booths for coffee making and balloon twisting ran by our talented members. In addition, there were a claw game machine to allow the participants to enjoy and share the happiness with us.


Opening Speech by the President of the Hong Kong Blind Union, Mr. Wong Chun-hang, BillyOpening Speech by the President of the Hong Kong Blind Union, Mr. Wong Chun-hang, Billy


Photo of the guests, committee members, users and staff in the opening ceremonyGroup photo of the guests, committee members, users and staff in the opening ceremony


Interaction between the guest Mrs. Yu Lai Ching-ping, Helen and the President Wong Chun-hang, BillyInteraction between the guest Mrs. Yu Lai Ching-ping, Helen and the President Wong Chun-hang, Billy


Our staff demonstrating the displays to the participantsOur staff demonstrating the displays to the participants


Visually Impaired Barista making coffeeVisually Impaired Barista making coffee


The timeline of our 50-year developing journey was display in the Open Day. Click here to review the content of the timeline.

Participants reading the timeline display boardParticipants reading the timeline display board

The image version of our 50-year developing journey (Chinese version only)
The text version of our 50-year developing journey (Chinese version only)


Sharing of the letter of reply

We have collected 47 letters from our members to share their memories about the Centre. All these letters were posted at our website as well as boardcast to the participants on the Open Day. A lot of replies were well received after the event. Click here for the letters and replies.


Audio and text version of letters from our members (Chinese version only)


Text version of the replies from our members (Chinese version only)


The Student Centre was established in 1972 and it makes efforts to address the needs of visually impaired students and young people in the aspects of education and vocation. As time flies, it comes to the 50-aniversary of the Centre, currently named as the Jockey Club Educational and Vocational Resources Centre. Apart from reviewing our past journey, we are looking forward to surmounting all obstacles together, fighting for equal opportunity in education and vocation for visually impaired people, creating an inclusive and harmonious society.



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