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“Cane-A-Thon” - International White Cane Day 2022

“Cane-A-Thon” - International White Cane Day 2022

【Latest News: Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the Government's preventive measures and partial school suspension are continuously implemented. To allow more participants to join the event, Hong Kong Blind Union has decided to postpone the coming White Cane Day Carnival to December 2022.


Ten visually impaired ambassadors and public participation in Cane-A-thon on 15 October 2022 will remain unchanged.


Thank you for your support and understanding in advance. Details of the event will be announced later.


Let’s join and support the visually impaired in our community!

15th October is the International White Cane Day. It was established to commemorate the invention of white cane used by visually impaired persons. A white cane enables people with visual impairment to explore the road ahead and symbolizes their positive and independent living. Through the celebration of the International White Cane Day, Hong Kong Blind Union aims to raise the public’s awareness of visual impairment and provide an equal and independent environment for the visually impaired in society.


This year, 10 visually impaired ambassadors will be recruited for the campaign. They will gather on 15th October at 10:15a.m. to join a 10.15km walk, not only to raise fund for Hong Kong Blind Union, to support our services for the visually impaired people in Hong Kong but also to showcase their independence in the community.

You can also join and support by making donation to Hong Kong Blind Union, with a record of 10,150 steps walked!

For more details


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