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“Lee Chu Shuk-kwan Education Fund” cum “Lee Bing Vocal Music Development Fund” Award Presentation Ceremony 2020-2021

“Lee Chu Shuk-kwan Education Fund” cum “Lee Bing Vocal Music Development Fund” Award Presentation Ceremony 2020-2021

The Ceremony has been live-streamed on 9th May 2021, click here to view the full reply of the ceremony.


The scholarship for Lee Chu Shuk-kwan education fund is presented at two divisions: Academic Division and General Division.


The scholarship of the academic division was awarded to

Ding Yijie, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts;

Tse Sze-man, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;

Wong Tsz-shing, TWGHs Sun Hoi Directors' College;

Chung Man, KLT Funful English Primary School.


The scholarship of the general division was awarded to:

Tang Lai-ming Eli, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;

Yang Enhua, Man Kiu College;

Cheng Tsz-hin, La Salle College.


10 individuals who have supported visually impaired integrators were also recognized in the Award Presentation Ceremony


The Scholarship for Lee Bing Vocal music development was awarded to Li Hin-kwai, Lau Yik-keung, Tsoi Megan Hei-yan and Wan Chi-kan. The audience was impressed by the singing performance of the awardees. To commemorate the late Ms Lee Bing, after a video show of Ms Lee's previous performance, Miss Joanna Leung, student of Miss Lee Bing was invited to give a vocal performance on the occasion.


Lee Bing Vocal Music Development Fund also sent four talented young vocal students to Austria and Hungary with sponsorship from kind-hearted donors in 2019. They were invited to share their feeling with other companions. During the trip, they have been taken part in musical activities in Europe like attended the masterclass, visited some music colleges and organisations, and gave recitals in different venues like Votive Church and St Matthias Church.




Group photo of Education Fund awardees and committee members



Education Fund awardees: Chung Man, Wong Chi-shing, Tse Sze-man and Ding Yijie (From left to right), with Fu Kwok-keung Edwin, Presenter



Education Fund awardees: Yang Enhua, Cheng Chi-hin and Tang Lai-ming, Eli (From left to right), with Chong Chan-yau, Presenter



Vocal Music Development Fund awardees: Lau Yik-keung, Wan Chi-kan, Li Hin-kwai & Tsoi Megan Hei-yan (From left to right), with committee members – Mr Ronald Cheung, Mr Chong Chan-yau, Rev Lee King-hang and Mr Ng Ping-tung




Erhu Performance by Yang Enhua



“Adagio in E for Violin and Orchestra (Mozart)” By Ding Yijie



Vocal Singing performance by 4 Vocal Music Development Fund awardees


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