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WBUAP Regional Webinar - Web Accessibility Adoption Level in the Asia Pacific Region

WBUAP Regional Webinar - Web Accessibility Adoption Level in the Asia Pacific Region

“WBUAP Regional Webinar - Web Accessibility Adoption Level in the Asia Pacific Region" was held on 22 Oct 2020. More than 130 people from Asia-Pacific Region and Hong Kong took part. Thank you!

Hong Kong Blind Union announced the result of a survey on web accessibility adoption level the Asia Pacific region. A keynote speech was given by Ms Judy Brewer, one of the most well-known web accessibility experts and presently the Director of the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) of W3C to update us on the latest trends and impacts. Moreover, HSBC, one of the members of Hong Kong Association of Banks (HKAB) shared the HSBC's policy of treating accessibility as a core design requirement in all products and services including the apps and websites.

Among the 12 countries/regions, Australia was rated as having the highest average accessibility scores (1.75), South Korea (1.57) and Hong Kong (1.48). The overall web accessibility level across the countries/regions is not satisfactory according to the results of this survey. Among the six selected categories, health care institution and online shopping platform show a relatively low web accessibility level. This is worrying especially in the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Accessibility is a critical component of full citizen rights for people with visual impairment. The Covid-19 has accentuated the importance. Without full accessibility, we will be excluded from education, jobs, public services such as healthcare, banking and media. It is recommended that urgent action be taken to address the problem.” remarked by Mr Chong Chan-yau, president of the Hong Kong Blind Union.



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